Passive Fire Protection Hull
Firestopping Services Hull
To further enforce our commitment to full compliance and implementation of industry best practice techniques, we have invested in industry leading quality assurance software Bolster Systems.
This allows us to completely integrate our quality control procedures throughout our entire operation. Each of our projects are imported onto the Bolster system from the initial site surveys along with the fire compartmentation drawings for each floor. Once works have commenced on site each seal is geo-tagged on the drawings, provided an individual seal ID and labelled in situ. These individual unique reference numbers can be identified on the Bolster system which records pre-installation photos, post installation photos and records the seal fire integrity rating.
Appointing Flux Fire on your project, we provide our clients with access to their own unique online portal for their project that acts as a a one-stop location for all of your compliance requirements. The portal contains live as-built drawings, O&M manuals and fire test data for all our installed products, making Building Control sign off’s for the work a simple and easy process for everyone involved.
Contact us now for a quotation or a chat about your project in Hull.